Our Sustainability Approach

İDÇ, which aims to produce iron and steel more efficiently, takes ownership of the environment and nature with sustainable products because it values the future.

Sustainable construction steel certification applies to all production processes, from the purchase of raw materials to the final product for the production of construction steel. These processes also cover sections such as liquid steel production, casting and rolling.

As a requirement of this certificate, a "Sustainable Construction Steel Policy" based on environmental, social and economic factors has been created, and handbooks and guidelines have been prepared. Our company regularly monitors and reports sustainable construction steel criteria. These criteria cover the following subjects.

Climate Change and Energy

Climate Change and Energy

  • Greenhouse gas emissions and energy use 
  • The impacts of transport (sea, land, rail) in the supply of raw 
Sustainable Consumption and Production

Sustainable Consumption and Production

  • Environmental Management System and ISO 14001
  • Materials efficiency
Preservation of Natural Resources and Improvement of the Environment

Preservation of Natural Resources and Improvement of the Environment

  • Raw material – supply chain, quality and performance 
  • Water consumption 
  • Waste management system 
  • Biological diversity and eco-toxicity 
  • Environmental accidents, complaints and fines 
Creating Sustainable Communities

Creating Sustainable Communities

  • Participation of local community and stakeholders 
  • Safe and healthy working conditions and ISO 45001
  • Fundamental rights in the workplace 
  • Skills and training  
  • Economic factors 

Reports and legal requirements on these issues are submitted to UK CARES. Also, the İzmir Demir Çelik Sanayi A.Ş. management regularly reviews the results of internal audit, data analysis, accident and near miss investigations, preventive and corrective actions with the report results. Based on these the company is committed to minimizing the effects of production activities on the environment, continuity and improvement of sustainability and preventing environmental pollution in accordance with legal and other conditions.


The conformity of our products to the requirements of Sustainable Construction Steel is declared with the following logo and expression on the labels attached to them: " This construction steel is manufactured according to the CARES Sustainable Construction Steel Scheme conforming to the BS8902:2009 standard." Being the first Turkish iron and steel company to earn this certificate, İDÇ has gained a significant advantage over its competitors to become a supplier to international companies that make environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings.



Traceability for scrap , which is our most important raw material, is recorded starting from the supplier’s loading port until becoming liquid steel in our plant.


All semi (billet & bloom) and final products (rebar& structural steel) are monitored and recorded in different heat number base, starting from scrap to final product.


YS.PR.0080 Identification and Traceability Procedure 

Our Environmental Product Declarations